Woollahra Golf Club has always had a strong Ladies golf membership. When the public course was opened in 1931, the Golf Club was allocated playing times on Saturday and Sunday and ladies were able to join the men playing at those times.
Soon after, the Sunday Business Women’s Group was initiated which enabled the ladies to use the course on Sundays. In 1955, a group of ladies played on the course on Wednesdays and in 1956 the ladies formed the Tuesday Ladies Group.
From these fledgling beginnings, the Ladies of Woollahra Golf Club have gone from strength to strength.
You can join as a 5 day (midweek), 6 day or a 7 day member.
The competition days for 6 day members are Tuesdays and Thursdays (both 18 hole and 9 hole competitions) and Sundays (18 holes). There are also Mixed Competitions on Fridays and Sundays. 7 day ladies can also play on Saturdays with the men. Midweek ladies can’t play in the Ladies Competitions on Tuesday and Thursday, but can play on Fridays.
Our ladies are a very social and friendly group. We support charities through our Tee off for Breast Cancer Research, Card Days and our Club Charity Day where we are fortunate to play 9 holes at Woollahra Golf Club and 9 holes at Royal Sydney Golf Club.
The ladies organise the Melbourne Cup golf and lunch and Vets Days which are a great excuse to get together, play golf and have fun.