Woollahra Golf Club membership is a unique opportunity to experience the outstanding design and serene environment of this inner city golf course. But that’s just the beginning. Joining the club gives you so much more. Woollahra Golf Club is a social environment second to none. With a great calendar of social events, and a comfortable dining and bar area that’s the perfect finish to your round, you’ll become part of a club that exists off the course as well.

On the course, Members can play social golf during public tee times as well as reserve times for competition on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturday (7 day members) and Sundays (6 day members). 

When you join Woollahra Golf Club as a playing member, you will receive a handicap under the World Handicapping System which will allow you to use that handicap at most golf courses around the world.


Woollahra Golf Club offers competitive and social golf all year round.

MondaySocial Club competition
TuesdayLadies 9 and 18 hole competitions, Social Club competition
WednesdayMedley 9 competition
ThursdayLadies 9 and 18 hole competitions, Social Club competitions
FridayMedley 9 hole competition
SaturdayMedley 18 hole competition
SundayMedley 9 and 18 hole competitions


At Woollahra Golf Club we offer various categories of membership to suit your needs as listed below.

Please note: All categories of membership are currently subject to waiting lists.

We would like to inform you that, due to the high volume of applications, membership applications are temporarily closed.

We appreciate your interest in joining, and we will notify you as soon as the application process reopens. Please stay tuned for updates via social media or visit our website for the latest information.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. If you have any urgent inquiries, please feel free to contact us at (02) 9327 5454.

7 Day Membership
Playing rights 7 days a week
Discounted green fees
Discounted electric cart hire
9 and 18 hole club competitions
Interclub and pennant matches in the Sydney area
Invitations to club social events
Member prices at Clubhouse bar
Can book up to 4 players
Subscription $993.00pa + $1,100 joining fee


6 Day Membership
Playing rights Sunday to Friday
Discounted green fees
Discounted electric cart hire
9 and 18 hole club competitions
Interclub and pennant matches in the Sydney area
Invitations to club social events
Member prices at Clubhouse bar
Can book up to 2 players
Subscription $869.40pa + $1,100 joining fee


Midweek Membership
Playing rights Monday to Friday
Discounted green fees
Discounted electric cart hire
9 hole club competitions
Invitations to club social events
Member prices at Clubhouse bar
Subscription $704.60pa


Intermediate Membership
For players 18 to 23 years of age
Playing rights 7 days a week
Discounted green fees
Discounted electric cart hire
9 and 18 hole club competitions
Member prices at Clubhouse bar
Can book up to 4 players
Subscription $581pa


Junior Membership
For players 12 to 17 years of age
Playing rights 7 days a week
Discounted green fees
Discounted electric cart hire
9 and 18 hole club competitions
Can book up to 4 players
Subscription $242.00pa


Country/Non-Resident Membership
Playing rights – can play up to 15 rounds in Member’s Competitions in any calendar year
Have a usual place of residence not within 100km of the club
Invitations to club social events
Member prices at Clubhouse bar
Subscription $539.80pa + $1,100 joining fee
Social Membership
Invitations to club social events
Member prices at Clubhouse bar
Subscription $10.00pa


We would like to inform you that, due to the high volume of applications, membership applications are temporarily closed.

To join Woollahra Golf Club please complete a membership application form and either drop it into the office, or send it by email or mail:

For more information about membership, please call the office on (02) 9327 5404.